Saturday, May 29, 2010

City #03: Snuff Film 7 inch or Get Ready For Total Music Armageddon

Well... The wait's finally over. For all you dudes and dudettes who didn't get the tape, or ordered the tape but was jipped out of your US coin, City Records has this ultimate piece of noise rock available for mass consumption on quality vinyl. Make any comparisons you want but I just can't put my finger on what the hell Ecoli/Migraine were trying to do... Maybe make your ears bleed. At points you wonder if the guys making this record were on mescaline but most of the time the tunes are so in your face that the listener can't help but gnash teeth, fidget in their chair and wonder if their parents were right, if their life really is going no where ("Fuck you mom. Fuck you dad."). This record is devoid of any punk cliches (hating cops/reality/puberty/chicks) and is self actualizing. Kind of like Baudrillard or Eco. The record becomes human and you become nothing. Hate your family. Hate your friends. Listen to this record. Your a product of the simulacra.

Catch Ecoli and Migraine on Tour in these fine cities:

-MAY 29 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wooly Blvd. w/Le Face/Francis Harold & The Holograms/Legal Weapon/NASA Space Universe (5 PM!)
-MAY 30 - Phoenix, AZ @ Trevor House w/Standards/Elders
-JUNE 1 - Denver, CO @ Blast-O-Mat w/Nerveskade/Crawl
-JUNE 2 - St. Louis, MO @ Fubar Lounge w/Mind Eraser/Slang/Suburban Smash
-JUNE 3 - New Orleans?
-JUNE 4 - Tampa, FL @ Unit 19 w/Nazi Dust
-JUNE 5 - Raleigh, NC @ Kent House w/Squall (Early Show!)
-JUNE 6 - Silver Spring, MD @ Corpse Fortress w/Broken Bodies/Mad World/No Minion/State Violence
-JUNE 7 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Helter Shelter w/Mind Eraser/Slang/Do Crimes
-JUNE 8 - Philadelphia, PA @ Terrordome w/No Coffin
-JUNE 9 - New Brunswick, NJ (HELP!)
-JUNE 10 - New York, NY @ Johnson Ave. w/Pollution/White Lung/Natural Law
-JUNE 11 - Toronto?
-JUNE 12 - Cincinnati, OH @ CS13 w/White Walls
-JUNE 13 - Chicago, IL @ Kostner House w/Manipulation/Vital Error
-JUNE 14 - Minneapolis, MN @ House w/Much Worse/Getting Even
-JUNE 15 - Winnipeg, MB, CA @ McDermot House w/Born Bad/Stillbirth
-JUNE 16 - Calgary, AB, CA @ House w/Myelin Sheaths
-JUNE 17 - Seattle, WA @ The Snakepit w/Mondo Agro/White Ambassador/Bone Sickness (5 PM!)
-JUNE 18 - Olympia, WA @ Leavenworth House w/White Wards/Scary Man/No Bullshit
-JUNE 19 - Portland, OR @ House w/Nerveskade/Basement Animal

In other news, while I'm on tour all praises/complaints and mail order will be handled by new City records employee/stooge Renee MacDonald. She's smart, responsible and full of moxy. We here at City trust she will do a good job and if she doesn't were telling mom.

Also, the Comatoes tape has been delayed but it will be available for all you noise fans in a month. It is a searing experiment in existential disgust and will prove to be liked by few and hated by many. Featuring a member of Warkrime (I'll give you a hint: he was the one that wasn't jewish).

Monday, March 22, 2010

Face The Rail Tour March/April 2010

Face The Rail will be embarking on a short (8 day) tour of the western United States and will be stopping of in certain cities as follows:

3/24 – San Francisco @ Balazo w/ Mind, Mojo Hand
3/27 – Long Beach @ Unity Church w/ The Timebombs
3/28 – Los Angeles @ House w/Pterydactdudes
3/29 – Phoenix @ Iron Lady w/ Pigeon Religion
3/30 – Denver @ Blast-o-mat w/ Nerveskade
3/31 – TBA
4/01 – Seattle @ House w/ White Wards
4/02 – Portland @ East End w/ Arctic Flowers, Salted City, The Chemicals
4/03 – San Francisco @ El Rio w/ Deadfall, Dean Dirg

In other great label news, City will be releasing the Snuff Film tape on a 12 inch this summer. You all know who they are, right? After that, on to the TSA (tyranosaurous asshole) 7 inch. These dudes span the country, with one member living in SF, one in phoenix and two in brooklyn. Thats all for now. Ill see all you kids at Yadokai March 26th.

Friday, March 5, 2010

City 002- Yadokai 'Sterile Environment' Cassette

This cassette oozes anger, rage and retribution in the only way a band from San Francisco can. Featuring members of Morpheme and Ecoli, Yadokai plays a mix of Noise and Japcore a la Lip Cream, Systematic Death and Wretched.

100 Tapes circulating

Free Download available at Sterile

City 001- Face The Rail 'Self Titled' LP

Face the Rail comes out of the Bay Area, an area known for fog, rain, the Grateful Dead and the Haight. It's enough to make anyone depressed. The LP trails off in melodic dischord, with topics ranging from longing, boredom, aliens and skating. The jangling guitars and heavy bass chip away at the listeners ability to truly validate himself as a human being and, in doing so, create an atmosphere that's conducive to long bouts of depression and anxiety. Don't go jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge just yet though. The packaging of the LP is enough to lift anyone's spirits. Housed in a four color screen printed jacket this LP screams class thanks to our friends at Tankcrimes and Monolith press. I've heard that they've been compared to bands like Double O, Husker Du and Rites of Spring but I just don't see it.

1st Press: 300 on Black, Screen Printed Covers
2nd Press: Coming Soon on Tankcrimes

Free Download: Password: facetherail

Welcome to the Death of your Hopes and Dreams

So. City Records was an idea I had to profile music in San Francisco. At first it was some stupid teenage pipe dream, ya know, at a show, "One day I'm gonna start a record label." Bullshit. I grew up, got a job and stopped thinking about it. Then, about a year ago, Face the Rail recorded an LP that was to be put out on No Options. No Options dropped out because of financial troubles and Face The Rail was without a label. Seeing as I had a job, I figured I'd put it out, "Oh. I'll make my money back for sure", I thought. Fuckin' stupid. A couple months later I'm still working on it and hoping for the best. The main thing here, for me at least, is to support SF music, whatever that may be. I'll be posting more soon.